The Origin of the name “Back to your Inner Light” and Soul Astrology
Hi Friends,
This is my first post on my personal Blog, therefore I thought to talk to you about the origin of the name "Back to your inner light".
It all started last year when I discovered Soul Astrology and I decided to create my website. I started to think about what name I could use for it, when I came across a website where there was a description of Soul Astrology , also known as Esoteric Astrology and its main themes. I found it really fascinating that Esoteric Astrology focuses primarily on the Rising Sign, thinking that the Rising Sign determines our soul purpose.
Esoteric Astrology also talks about the 7 Ray of Manifestations, which represent the basic characteristics which give life to all the things present on Earth and how these can evolve and grow. Each ray represents a gift or a strength which is well distributed between all the zodiac signs.
Csidering that I'm a Pisces Rising, I started to learn more about this, trying to dive deep and understand the purpose of my soul during this lifetime. What I found was fascinating since, as Pisces is the last and final sign of the zodiac, it is believed that it represents all of the previous signs merged into one. Pisces Rising is one of the rarest Rising Signs and their soul purpose is to harness the highest beauty of their nature, their selflessness and compassion, and dedicate it to the betterment of mankind. Rising Pisces is also linked with the Second Ray - the Ray of Love & Wisdom and the Sixth Ray - The Ray of Idealism & Devotion.
In Pisces Rising, the soul learns the true meaning of unconditional love and how to merge it with a world that is often fraught with sadness, cruelty, and destruction. There is also a recurrent theme for Scorpio and Pisces around their soul journey, as they are both water signs, which swim into the depths and the murky waters of our emotions. Where in Scorpio Rising the lesson is to transform darkness into light, in Pisces Rising is the light that is able to vanquish the darkness.
Therefore for Pisces Rising, their purpose is to guide humanity to a place of love and compassion, helping others to understand the connection between the heart and the mind. Since the mind separates us, while the heart reminds us we are all one, until we finally realize that the light which exists in all of us is the only thing we truly need.
Isn't that exciting and fascinating? As you can imagine, after I started to learn all of these, it didn't take long until I came out with the name "Back to your inner light". As it is really through the light that Pisces Rising can help the collective to heal.
What about you instead? Do you feel intrigued by Esoteric Astrology and you would like to learn more about your soul purpose?
I will share below few links which can help you to uncover that:
1. Girl and her Moon - where you can calculate your Rising Sign, in case you don't know it and read more about Esoteric Astrology and the soul purpose for each sign -
2. Adjust Your Sails - where you can find an article, written in August 2020 for each Rising Sign and their soul purpose -
3. Here you can find more info about the 7 Ray of Manifestations and dive deep into their meaning -
I hope this will be a reminder for you that your soul is very precious, the more you will protect it and you will connect with it and the more it will show you the way and everything will slowly start to make sense. Keep going my dear one, even when you feel lost and confused - because it is during this time that you will be found again yourself.
With love,